RHPS_Technology Logo
Approved Technology
Device Protection Plan (4-12)
Tech Request
Technology Plan
Family Resources
1:1 Device Handbook (4-12)
Tech Tips

Technology Contacts

Director of Technology

Chris Guay



Network Administrator

Matt Fazzina


Technology Mission

The Rocky Hill Public Schools Office of Technology aims to provide robust, reliable and efficient technology to maximize curriculum delivery and educational opportunity for our entire school community.  By fulfilling our mission in a timely, professional, and efficient manner, we will maintain and build up a strong technological foundation to enhance 21st century learning and foster administrative productivity.

Technology Vision

The Rocky Hill Public Schools Office of Technology Vision is to integrate modern technology within the curriculum to maximize student engagement, collaboration, and inclusivity to create a 21st Century learning environment.  The department strives to provide staff with the necessary technology to actively cultivate new, innovative, and captivating learning experiences across Rocky Hill Public Schools.